Obtaining Electrum Private Key
First you will need to obtain the Private Key of your Electrum wallet.
Open and unlock your Electrum Wallet, and go to the Console tab.
If you do not see the Console tab, select View and Show Console.
In the console, enter getmasterprivate()
If your wallet is encrypted, it will ask for your wallet password.
You should have received your XPRV or ZPRV key (it will begin with xprv or zprv).
This is your private key, and you'll need it to import your Electrum wallet into your Enjin Wallet.
Import Electrum Wallet to Enjin Wallet
Now that you have your Electrum Private Key, it’s time to import it to Enjin Wallet app.
Importing as a new Enjin Wallet user
If you already have a wallet set-up, please skip to the Importing as an existing Enjin Wallet user section
When you install the Enjin Wallet app, you will be given the option to create or import a wallet. To begin the import process, tap Import Wallet. Then, read and agree to the Terms and Conditions & Privacy Policy.
Create a new password for your wallet. Once a new password is created, be sure to keep your newly created password secure and written down on paper only in case you need it at a later date.
Enter your Private Key then tap Next.
*Note: Copying and pasting are disabled for security reasons. You need to manually type the private key letter by letter. The private key is case sensitive.
Your Bitcoin Extended Public Key should now be displayed to you (also known as xpub). If you choose a blockchain other than Bitcoin, make sure to tap the dropdown icon and select Bitcoin. tap Next once Bitcoin has been selected.
Importing as an existing Enjin Wallet user
Tap on the Wallet tab in the bottom left corner and then tap on the Settings button (⚙️ gear icon).
Tap on the Wallets button.
Tap on the Add Wallet button.
Tap on the Import Wallet button.
Name your wallet.
Enter your Private Key then tap Next.
*Note: Copying and pasting are disabled for security reasons. You need to manually type the private key letter by letter. The private key is case sensitive.
Your Bitcoin Extended Public Key should now be displayed to you (also known as xpub). If you choose a blockchain other than Bitcoin, make sure to tap the dropdown icon and select Bitcoin. Tap Next once Bitcoin has been selected.
Enter your password and tap on Verify Import.
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